
地址:北纬1030号. 级联大道
建筑师:Walter F. 道格拉斯,科罗拉多斯普林斯
Access Level: 蒙哥马利大厅 is a residence and therefore is not open to the public.

赌博正规的十大网站是男女同校的. It keeps step with the progress of the age and offers to women the same educational advantages that the men enjoy. 她的教职员工中有很多能干的女性, and her halls and recitation rooms are thronged with young women who are seeking to develop their 知识, 道德, 和精神力量注入文明的瑰宝, 女人味十足的女人. ——科罗拉多大学,1890年11月

赌博正规的十大网站的第一座永久性教学楼, 卡特勒大厅, 1880年开业, but the fledgling institution could not supply student meals or housing for several years. Scholars coming from outside Colorado Springs rented rooms and ate in local 董事会inghouses or private residences. 校园住房的建设是早期的优先事项, 学院还建成了第一个男生宿舍, 哈格曼大厅, in 1889. 玛丽·斯洛克姆,威廉·肯尼迪总统的妻子. 斯洛克姆(1888 - 1917), believed that a similar building for women was required if the college wanted to become more than just a local school. 她领导了一场成功的运动,增加了妇女居住设施, 从建造蒙哥马利大厅开始, 现在是校园里第二古老的建筑.

支持校园发展, 给“物理, 知识, 以及对女大学生的精神援助, 在小镇和大学之间建立友好关系, more than 100 local women gathered in 卡特勒大厅 on 20 April 1889 to establish the Woman's Education Society (WES). Completion of a women's residence was the first of numerous campus improvement projects undertaken by the group. WES是一个自治的社区组织. 斯洛克姆, 融资15美元,通过会员费和筹款努力, 包括集市, 讲座, 还有其他事件. 特别值得注意的是,一场博览会筹集了2美元,卖阿兹特克陶器和其他艺术品, 照片, 书, 名人的签名, 食物, 花, 和床单. 此外,WES创始人Anna O. 哈格曼, 她丈夫詹姆斯是科罗拉多米德兰铁路的负责人, 贡献了5美元,作为建设基金.


每个姑娘都有自己的房间,房间很好,但陈设简陋. 她一定要用自己的办法把它布置得既漂亮又愉快, 她做了每个女孩都会做的事... The hall girls have the advantage of being in close touch with the real college life; while the town girls count themselves fortunate in being free from wearisome rules.

I shall, however, touch lightly upon a much mooted question of our day, - the chaperone question. For instance the young ladies residing at our dormitories must proceed en masse without escorts to an entertainment of an evening, 但这些年轻人之后可能会把它们带回家.

This college differs from most of the far western colleges in its beautiful location, 由于科罗拉多州的气候,许多学生来自东部.

WES聘请了苏格兰移民Walter F. 道格拉斯, 经营科罗拉多斯普林斯一家主要建筑公司的人, to design the new "cottage" and emphasized that it desired a dormitory with a home-like atmosphere. The cottage system for college campuses originated at Smith College in Massachusetts, which developed small-scale student accommodations that resembled family homes rather than large institutional structures. WES与道格拉斯一起规划了新建筑的各个方面, 希望将来在校园内增加其他类似的女性小屋.

宿舍, 按照WES的要求设计,像一个庄严的住宅, 由城堡岩流纹岩建造的特色墙壁, 欢迎门廊, 大窗户, 还有多个天窗. 室内有一个大门厅,延续了家庭的气氛, 宽敞的客厅与开放式壁炉, 宽敞的餐厅, 厨房和食品储藏室, 管家的住处, and a sunny room next to the housekeeper's to be used for those who became ill. The upper two floors contained double and singlerooms, bathrooms, and closets. WES为大厅准备了家具, with several people providing furniture for individual rooms in memory of loved ones. The WES named the dormitory "Montgomery" in honor of Mary 斯洛克姆's younger sister, 伊丽莎白·罗宾逊·蒙哥马利, who came to Colorado hoping to restore her health and became a supporter of the drive to erect the hall before her untimely death from consumption. 夫人. 斯洛克姆为纪念她的妹妹而布置了医务室.

1891年6月13日,学院为蒙哥马利大厅举行了乔迁喜宴.The WES presented the building and its furnishings to the college debt-free. With the knowledge and experience it gained through seeing Montgomery to completion, in 1897 the WES agreed to assist in the planning and design of the second women's hall, Ticknor, 并为它的家具筹集资金. 通过玛丽·斯洛克姆所说的“安静的工作”的成功," the Woman's Educational Society immeasurably added to the success and stability of the college, 它的持续支持带来了许多身体上的改善, 补充项目, 还有100多美元,000美元的助学金和奖学金.

In the fall of 1891 the college catalog highlighted Montgomery as "a handsome stone building that has been erected during the past year and will afford superior accommodations for young ladies from abroad."最初有二十六个女人住在用蒸汽取暖的房子里, 用电照明, 提供一切需要的便利.“从它开张的那一刻起, 蒙哥马利是学院女性聚会的中心, 参加社交活动, 研究, 和吃饭.星期天下午, 讲座 on "practical considerations of life and conduct" were offered at the hall.房间费用, 董事会, and utilities for each student during the first year amounted to $6 per week.In 1897, 学院聘请了露丝·鲁姆斯, 瓦萨学院的毕业生, to serve as director of women's housing and first Dean of Women and to provide female students with a dignified and cultured role model. In 1899, Montgomery also became a residence for the female students of Cutler Academy, 1914年以前一直在校园内进行的大学预备课程.

In an effort to cut expenses in the mid-1920s, the college closed Montgomery as a women's residence. The building intermittently accommodated classes until a major remodeling in the 1930s.科罗拉多斯普林斯的建筑师Edward L. Bunts designed plans for a 1937 project that expanded the upper story with accommodations for 21 women, 创建了一个新的大前廊, 加入了都铎复兴风格的影响, 基本制度现代化.The hall once again became an important component of the campus residential program.In 1938, Montgomery received a new rear sunporch through the generosity of Alice Bemis Taylor. Montgomery became a language house known as"Maison Francaise" for students of French in 1963. 蒙哥马利的居民学习法国的风俗和文化, 这所房子里几乎只说法语. In 1990, the dormitory received recognition of its historical and architectural significance through listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 蒙哥马利现在为25名上层女性提供住宿.



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