
Current and Historic Name: 比大厅
地址:北纬920号. 级联大道
Architectural Style: Tudor Revival
建筑师:Maurice B. Biscoe,丹佛
Designation: National Register
访问层:虽然贝米斯大厅是一个住宅,但一楼是向公众开放的. We ask that ongoing activities not be disturbed.

Forming the southern border of the Women's Quadrangle is 1908 比大厅, the fourth and largest of the women's dormitories completed at 科罗拉多大学. The Tudor Revival style building features walls of gray Castle Rock rhyolite, a durable building stone also used for the first academic building, 卡特勒大厅, and the first women's dormitory, 蒙哥马利大厅. Mr. 和夫人. 贾德森米. 比米斯和科罗拉多斯普林斯的创始人威廉·杰克逊·帕尔默将军为这60美元提供了主要捐款,000宿舍. Born in Massachusetts in about 1833, Judson Bemis became wealthy as a manufacturer of cloth and paper bags. 比米斯兄弟袋公司在美国几个主要城市经营工厂,生产各种包装产品. In 1881, Bemis moved his family to Colorado Springs seeking health benefits for his wife, 爱丽丝·考格斯韦尔·比米斯. In addition to providing gifts for the college, 她是科罗拉多斯普林斯日间托儿所协会和妇女俱乐部的创始人, and she donated land and money to the YMCA. 贾德森·贝米斯在1912年至1918年期间担任学院的受托人,并提供资金建立了工商管理和银行系.

丹佛建筑师莫里斯B. Biscoe prepared plans for this building, as well as Cossitt大厅 six years later. 1905年,比斯科从波士顿来到科罗拉多,监督丹佛圣. 约翰大教堂. He established an architectural practice in the capital city, 接受了一些住宅和建筑的委托,如迪金森分馆和克莱顿男孩学校. In Colorado Springs he also worked on buildings at the Myron Stratton Home. In 1920, Biscoe returned to Boston and joined the firm of Andrews, 兰图尔和琼斯, 也就是后来的安德鲁斯, 琼斯, 比斯科和惠特曼在1925年. 这家公司是安德鲁斯、雅克和兰图尔的继任者,后者设计了1904年的帕尔默大厅.

At the dedication ceremony for Bemis, President William F. Slocum observed: "There are great opportunities for good in this building. It is a home for the college student, 哪里有文雅和修养的氛围,哪里能实现高尚生活的最佳理想." The new residents of the hall then welcomed the public to view their dormitory. 老虎评论道, “姑娘们不遗余力地把她们的房间布置得尽可能漂亮,到处都是赞叹的声音.贝米斯有90名女性,并设有中世纪风格的餐厅,有拱形天花板和深色镶板墙, 还有一间大公共休息室,壁炉暖烘烘的,家具是爱丽丝·科格斯韦尔·比米斯和她的女儿们布置的. 建筑师将公共使用的房间安排在北侧,这样大多数学生的房间都有一个南侧, 东部, 或者是西方. The Tiger predicted in future years new buildings would "arise upon the campus, but the type of college hall has now been set for all time."


卢米斯小姐 also told how Dr. Slocum himself fired the heating plant at Montgomery one Sunday early in the fall, when it suddenly turned cold, so that the twenty-five girls in the hall might be comfortable.

By all accounts, 爱丽丝·考格斯韦尔·比米斯 was a remarkable woman. 她开创了她女儿要遵循的课程,然后继续进入新的维度.

The office and living quarters of the Dean of Women, located in the southwest corner of the building, 包括一个非常大的平板玻璃窗,可以看到派克峰和壁垒山脉的壮丽景色. 露丝。鲁姆斯, 谁在1897年作为第一位女院长加入了学院,并一直担任这个职位直到1917年退休, 她描述了她与建筑师就贝米斯公寓的设计进行的谈判:“我们想在女院长的客厅里有一扇大窗户,但他不愿意给我们. 他在科罗拉多待的时间还不够长,还没有意识到我们永远都不想离开山脉的视线. And he only gave us the window under protest."

卢米斯小姐, a graduate of Vassar College, 规范行为, 保护美德, and molded the character of the women residing in the residence halls. 梅布尔·巴比·李, a graduate and later Dean of Women of 科罗拉多大学, 他回忆道:“院长卢米斯认为,在制定严格的道德标准的同时,给女学生们好好润色一下很重要 . . . She knew all the requirements for proper young women, 以免我们忘记, a list of reminders was tacked inside our closet doors."

20世纪初,这所学院对年轻女学生的生活进行了严格的管理. 宵禁被严格执行,比米斯和其他宿舍每晚10点就锁门.m. during the week and at midnight on weekends. 所有男女参加的社交场合都需要两名教员陪同. Women were not permitted to smoke or drink on or off campus. 梅布尔·巴比·李(梅布尔·巴比·李)描述了学生们对院长卢米斯(Dean Loomis)的不敬态度:“她代表了严厉的纪律严明的人被愚弄了, 嘲笑, and made the butt of jokes . . . 经常, 这两个女孩, resentful of restrictions and wanting approval of the boys, poked fun at the dean's admonitions and imitated her 东部 accent.李回忆说,男学生们在宵禁后很久还在从贝米斯的消防逃生窗出去约会.

Bemis and other women's dormitories surrounded the Women's Quadrangle, 一个带有网球场的景观区,学生可以在这里进行各种活动, as the Tiger described in 1924:

The first all college serenade in the history of the college was given Friday night. The serenade took place in the quadrangle, and was well received by the C.C. coeds…Art Gow's orchestra furnished the music for the affair. A few of the latest jazz numbers were given by the orchestra. This was followed by 'Colorado C. 男人.“所有兄弟会各唱一首歌……以下兄弟会歌曲是:‘Sigma Chi的甜心’、‘Pi Kappa Alpha的梦中女孩’、‘Phi Delta Theta for Aye’、‘Kappa Sigma’。, Queen of Friendship;' 'Fiji Honeymoon;" and 'The Loving Cup.' The Betas did better than the others and managed to produce good harmony. 除了兄弟会的歌曲外,所有的人还唱了《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》和《赌博正规的十大网站》.'

比大厅 emerged as the center of social life on the campus, "一个学院的男女学生可以在有尊严和有教养的条件下聚在一起的地方,老虎解释道. 餐厅每天供应三餐,桌子上铺着“雪白的亚麻布,罩着红色的灯”,大得足以容纳全校所有的女生. 女学院院长和高年级的学生们坐在教室前面的一张高桌子上. 其他女生宿舍的餐饮服务在贝米斯开放后就停止了.

科格斯韦尔剧院, named in honor of donor 爱丽丝·考格斯韦尔·比米斯, operated in the basement from 1910. For its grand opening on 10 April 1910, 女子戏剧社为以男学生为主的观众演出了话剧《赌博正规的十大网站》. 老虎判断, 这出戏取得了巨大的成功,尽管有些演员还没有学会台词." The dramatic group Koshare, headquartered in the theater from about 1929 to 1942, offering a minimum of four staged plays each year. In 1944, 伍德森泰里重新启用了剧院,并获得了一个现代化的无线电控制室,以促进无线电讲习班项目. Later, the theater space was remodeled and served other uses.

In 1956, the college built 泰勒 餐厅 Hall on the east side of Bemis. With a capacity for 400 diners, 泰勒 served women in the dormitory, 独立的男人, 教职员工. 这标志着该学院首次允许男女学生定期在一起吃饭. The dining hall employed a full time staff of 18 and 50 part-time student workers. 餐食用的瓷器是专为学院制作的,米色背景上有橙色图案. The dining hall's name honored the college's first woman trustee, 爱丽丝·贝米斯·泰勒, daughter of Judson and Alice Bemis. 泰勒, known as "Lady Bountiful" for her generous donations, 为赌博正规的十大网站做出了大量贡献和遗赠,并为科罗拉多斯普林斯日间托儿所大楼和美术中心的建设提供了资金. 比大厅, 还是学生宿舍, 于1997年被列入国家史迹名录,以表彰其历史和建筑意义.


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