
历史名称:W.S. 蒙哥马利的房子
地址:北纬1029号. 内华达大道
建筑师:Augustus J. 史密斯,科罗拉多斯普林斯

1900年,威利斯. 茱莉亚·蒙哥马利(Julia 蒙哥马利)完成了这座殖民地复兴风格的石头角屋,西边是赌博正规的十大网站. 在19世纪末和20世纪初,学院的设施和场地的改善与科罗拉多斯普林斯市的增长和发展相吻合,这是由于在跛子溪发现了黄金. 同时, 学院增加了许多坚固的石头建筑,以提供学术和住宿项目. 除了, 四街区学院广场的景观美化完成, 为校园附近的房屋提供了迷人的景色.

W.S. 蒙哥马利 was one of a number of men who became 百万富翁 as a result of 投资 in the Cripple Creek gold district. Born in Ohio, he studied law in his father's office and at Tabor College in Iowa. In 1879, 蒙哥马利 came to Colorado, 建立 a law practice in the mining town of Silver Cliff. He and his father obtained an interest in the 重要的 Bull Domingo Mine and published the Daily Prospect 报纸 in Silver Cliff. After moving to the booming silver district of Leadville in 1885, he edited and published the Leadville Daily Journal for three years. In 1888, 蒙哥马利 resumed the practice of law at Red Cliff and played a role in the 广泛的 Battle Mountain mining cases.

In the spring of 1892, 蒙哥马利 moved to Cripple Creek and opened a practice 专业 in mining law. He had frequent contact with many of the leading men of the industry and 继续 to invest in mining. Colorado Springs 历史学家 Marshall Sprague listed 蒙哥马利 as one of 28 men who became 百万富翁 as a result of their 投资 in Cripple Creek mines. By 1898, 蒙哥马利 搬迁 to Colorado Springs to practice law and began 建设 on this house.

Local 架构师 Augustus J. Smith prepared drawings for the 蒙哥马利 住宅. Smith came to Colorado Springs in the 1890s seeking a cure for his 肺结核 and designed homes for several wealthy residents. His most notable local 委员会 was for the 1903 El Paso County 法院. Manly D. and Eleanor R. Ormes in their 1933 Book of Colorado Springs reported that after the 完成 of the 法院 Smith "became a religious 爱好者, preaching on the street corners; when that phase had passed, he designed and made bathroom fittings." In 1904, Smith donated his work on the design of the First 公理 Church of Colorado City. He left the city in 1909 and 据报道, became wealthy from his invention of the process for baked enamel.

The 建设 of 蒙哥马利的 住宅 drew much local 注意, as well as the notice of the Denver Times, which reported it was "one of the 漂亮 住宅 ever erected" in Colorado Springs. While the initial building permit was for $50,000, final 建设 costs 据报道, reached $75,000. When completed in 1900, the house was described as "among the most notable" of the 住宅 built during the 繁荣的 period at the turn of the century. The Castle Rock limestone 住宅 was described as being designed in a "colonial style, with 修改." The lavish interior featured a spacious hall with beams of carved Flemish oak "in 伊丽莎白时代的 style," a library and music room, a den, a formal drawing room, and a "massive oak 楼梯” with carved 栏杆 and newel post crowned by a Spanish figure. A bowling alley and billiard hall provided 休闲 机会 in the basement.

This Building
in History:

At one time he was part owner of the Colorado Springs Gazette, the earliest 报纸 in Colorado Springs. He was a member of the first school board in Colorado Springs, 有组织的 in 1872, and served as its first 财务主管. In 1874, the year his term on the school board expired, he became one of the 股东 and trustees of Colorado College.

By 1902, Willis 蒙哥马利 retired from the practice of law and became 总统 of the W.S. 蒙哥马利 投资 Company, which had 广泛的 property holdings in Colorado Springs, Cripple Creek, and the Meeker area. Some reports 表示 the cost of 建设 and upkeep for this house led to 金融 困难 for 蒙哥马利市 who lived here with his wife for only three years. The 蒙哥马利 moved to Phoenix, Arizona, and the house had a 继承 of owners until its purchase and transfer to the college in 1914.

Colorado College 恩人 Judson M. Bemis acquired the house and donated it to the 机构 for use as its 政府 building. Bemis was a wealthy 制造商 whose company was one of the first to produce bags using 机械. His Bemis Brothers Bag Co. became one of the largest 制造商 of burlap bags in the world. A member of the Colorado College board of trustees and a very generous 支持者, Bemis donated funds to 建立 a 部门 of Banking and Business 政府 and to build a women's 住宅 (Bemis Hall).

The college 改造的 the house to 适应 offices for the 总统, deans, 注册商, treasury 部门, faculty, and 受托人, who had utilized space in Palmer Hall since its 建设 in 1904. The house, 随后 referred to as the "Ad 建筑。” became the center of all 行政 活动 at the college. When those offices 搬迁 to Cutler Hall in 1937, this building 运行 as a men's 住宅 after 重构 by local 架构师 Edward L. Bunts.

The college 指定的 the 宿舍 "Jackson House," in honor of William 沙普利斯 Jackson, Sr. (1836-1919), member of the college board of trustees from its founding until 1917. Jackson, an 联系 of William Jackson Palmer and a pioneer 开发人员 of Colorado Springs, served as first 财务主管 of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. An 公司创办人 of Colorado College and one of its 最强的 的支持者, Jackson was also involved in the 建立 of the Denver National Bank and the El Paso County Bank. He married the well known writer and poet, Helen Hunt Jackson, whose 广 books, A Century of Dishonor and Ramona, were strongly critical of the nation's policy toward Native 美国人.

During World War II, Jackson House and five other 设施 at the college housed military trainees while Colorado College was the site of a 与入伍 V-12 training unit. Only three 教育 机构 in the Rocky Mountain region were selected for the program. Students in the officer 预备 program received military training in addition to taking academic classes provided by the college. In 1943, the Navy 装备 Jackson House with 双层 bunk beds, small wooden chests, and desks.

In 1946, Jackson House again became a men's 宿舍 in order to 缓解 过度拥挤 on campus 结果 from 增加 招生 后 the end of World War II. The building closed as a 宿舍 in 1958. Between 1960 and 1968, the college 改造的 the house into seven offices and ten 教室, 提供 space for eleven 教授 and their students. In 1962, Jackson House was the site of evening classes for the 大学 of Colorado 扩展 Program.

Jackson House once again served as a 宿舍 in 1969, housing both men and women. In 1976, Colorado 学院的 first "theme house" operated here. Rather than 分配 rooms on the basis of the housing lottery, a group of students proposed that the 住宅 be assigned to them to engage in 合作 living. 出于好奇, the college 政府 invited a wide range of student groups to submit 建议 to occupy the house around a central theme. The first group of students assigned to the house sought to 刺激 creative 意识 in the arts and utilized their year at Jackson House to organize an outdoor music 节日; sponsor 研讨会 on madrigal singing, jazz 即兴创作, and life drawing; and stage the 火光 Series of musical 表演. Their initial success 刺激 interest in 额外的 theme houses that continue to be part of college 住宅 life today. Today, Jackson House serves as a non-theme coed 住宅 hall for 32 学生, 提供 an 环境 承诺 to “连续, 非正式的, 知识 exchange."

The Press at Colorado College, an effort operated by and for the faculty and students of Colorado College, moved to the basement of the building in 1982. 建立了 in 1976 under James Trissel, a former 教授 of studio art and art history, The Press is a small hand-process printing 操作 using turn of the century 设备 to produce limited edition books and 猛烈抨击 of fine quality. A single book might take a year or more to print. The Press received 重要的 识别 in 2003 when 总统 Richard F. Celeste 确认 it as one of the 学院的 签名 项目, noting that most other liberal arts 机构 do not operate letter-presses or provide students a means of 探索 the book arts.

Jackson House was listed in the State Register of Historic 属性 in 1999 in 识别 of its 重要的 history. At that time, some of its original exterior 建筑 features were missing due to 恶化. With 援助 from a State 历史 Fund grant, the missing exterior elements were 完全 restored in 2003 and 2004.

More Info:

State Register of Historic 属性 提名 Form

报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/17/2020